Painting an epic and compassionate picture, this film plunges viewers into the heart of the North Dakota oil rush and follows the paths of the men and women that came from all over the United States seeking employment.
When the American Dream turned into a nightmare for these men and women, they left their families, abandoned their towns, and headed to Williston, North Dakota with one goal in mind: to make something of their lives, far from home, in a world that had let them down but in which they were determined to succeed. They knew this situation would be short-lived. Nobody would move permanently to this soulless place with its harsh climate. They are mere tourists, just here to pay off their debts and earn enough money to return home.
For them, in this world, oil is everything representing a new American Dream.
According to Forbes “North Dakota’s economy started to boom about eight years ago due to advances in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and by 2014 it had the fastest growing economy in the nation. The city of Williston, in the middle of the state’s Bakken oil patch, grew by an astounding 67% from 2010 to 2014 according to the U.S. Census, and by even more according to city sewage data compiled by Reuters.”
According to Investopedia “At the time of the 2010 U.S. Census, Williston was a quiet agricultural town with a population of 14,000. In the four years to follow, the population more than doubled to become the sixth-largest city in North Dakota and the fastest-growing small city in the U.S. City officials estimate the serviceable population of Williston was closer to 60,000 in 2015, as many workers from outlying rural areas found temporary, off-record housing anywhere they could.” 2020
2020 / Documentary / 52 minutes / Color / English / A film by Jean-Pierre Carlon
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In-home/personal use copies are available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2ULhVNR