Two lonely beings seek adventure, accompanied by a hypnotic speech on an archaic cassette.

Pilar and Felipe are two lonely beings who haven’t found a sense of belonging in life. At the start of their friendship, Felipe decides not to waste any time and, surprisingly, proposes marriage to Pilar. With an outright refusal, their relationship spins into a desperate, alarming, adventurous new direction.

Pilar is then introduced to Felipe’s most intimate mantra, one that has kept him afloat in his worst existential crises: a memorized hypnotic speech from an archaic seventies cassette…it is nothing but a simple and ridiculous hypnotic discourse. 

With this message, however, they are taken to a place of reflection and the connection of the similarities strips their souls and helps them to reinterpret their lives.

Featuring Antón Araiza (Sr. Ávila) and Ericka Ramirez (Longing)

2018 / 75 minutes / Color / Spanish w/English subtitles / A film by Victor Audiffred (From a Distance)


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