Famed French TV game show hostess Sophie Favier stars in this boldly sexy epic about a cross-dressing teenage orphan named ‘Frank’ who is adopted by a handsome nobleman with his own strange urges. But when the sultry virgin’s gender-bend is revealed, her deflowering unleashes a shocking torrent of voyeurism, violation, sadism and submission that will blur the line between pleasure and pain!

The film (also known as Frank and I) is a 1984 soft erotically-charged film by Gérard Kikoïne. The Playboy production, released theatrically in Europe and on television in the US, is an adaptation of the 1902 Victorian novel Frank and I by Bill Adler. Sophie Favier unsuccessfully sued to stop its release.

Gérard Kikoïne had quite a large budget for the film and was assisted by French set designer Jean-Charles Dedieu. Therefore production values are quite good, especially since they involved many period costumes and sets. Jennifer Inch plays the role of Frank, the orphan boy, and of Frances. Sophie Favier plays the role of the mistress of Charles de Beaumont.

“What the film has going for it is that it is a rare porno motivated by love rather than lust and where all the principal characters, including Favier’s remarkably understanding mistress, no matter how playful their sexual interests, treat each other with kindness, tenderness and decency. And that is kind of sexy.” – The Spinning Image

Lady Libertine was a co-production by Cannon Films, Cinépix, Gold Production, Playboy Production and was broadcast on The Playboy Channel during the 1980’s.

1984 / Drama / English / A film by Gérard Kikoïne


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