In this 2017 faithful and chilling adaptation of the legendary horror classic, Gabriel Utterson discovers that his long-time friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll, has become involved with a mysterious and dangerous man named Edward Hyde. He slowly uncovers the dark secret that defies both science and nature, one that leaves a trail of murder and crime in Victorian England.
“Great Educational Tool.. follows the novella to the letter.” – Wicked Movies
Directed by B. Luciano Barsuglia (Impact Event, The Howling), this new version features a cast of known names including Gianni Capaldi (River Runs Red) William McNamara (Chasers), Vernon Welles (Inner Space, Weird Science), Margaret O’Brien (Little Women, Meet Me in St. Louis), Elissa Dowling (Tales of Halloween) and, in his last role, the legendary 93-year-old Mickey Rooney, who plays a proprietor in the mansion where Mr. Hyde seeks some “debauchery.”
- WINNER – Best Feature – NYC Indie Film Awards
- WINNER – Best Director – NYC Indie Film Awards
- WINNER – Best Film – Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival
- WINNER – Best Director – SoCal Independent Film Festival
- WINNER – Best Actor – Amarcord Chicago Arthouse Film Awards
- WINNER – Best Actor – Southern California Motion Picture Council Awards
- WINNER – Best Actor – IndieFEST Film Awards
“Loyal to the source material …with a strong array of top tier acting.” – Influx Magazine
“Scripted with sophistication, appropriately Gothic in tone and true in many ways to Stevenson’s saga” – The Sound View
2017 / 83 minutes / color- sepia / English / A film by B. Luciano Barsu
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