“Managing Menopause Naturally” gives the viewer a solid overview of this complex subject and the myriad of HealthCare choices available to women today. The program focuses on holistic alternatives without totally ruling out the current established medical treatments a woman might choose.
For females, life is change, a series of transitions and experiences from menstruation and sexuality to childbirth and menopause. For millions of women the prospect of going through this major life transition is a time of negativity, confusion and questions.
- What can one expect from pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause?
- What are common symptoms?
- Is Hormone Replacement Therapy the only viable option?
- When should a woman start preparing for the later years of her life? Just what are her choices? From HRT & estrogenic herbs, to diet, exercise and other holistic methods.
“Managing Menopause Naturally” offers a look at the common problems shared by women at this crucial time of their lives, and examines some of the holistic choices and resources being recommended by leading alternative healthcare practitioners.
“Managing Menopause Naturally” delves into the issues of societal attitudes on aging, and the culture of youth. It addresses the fears of women as they approach mid-life and “The Change”. Find out why holistic wisdom does not consider “The Menopause” a disease to be treated, but a natural stage in the life of every woman. It is a time of self realization and transformation. A time to begin the second half of your life, sharing your accumulated wisdom and knowledge with those you love. By educating and preparing yourself, “The Menopause” can be a positive transition to be “celebrated not medicated”.
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