America is fascinated with its relationship to food. From Pizza to Bagels to yes… Hotdogs. But food as a sport? Yes… that too! And, it all started in Brooklyn in 1972 at the corner of Surf and Stillwell Avenues.

SCARF FACE (originally titled ScarfFace) explores the world of competitive eating and the untold story behind the epic rivalry between America’s Joey Chestnut and Japan’s Takeru Kobayashi.

Organized for decades by George Shea’s Major League Eating Corporation, the annual Nathan’s hot dog eating contest at Coney Island has become the preeminent event for eaters worldwide – the start of their “fiscal eating” year – but not without its share of disturbing controversy, politics and perilous dangers to the human body.

The film follows various eaters at different career-levels over the course of 6 years – including Miki Sudo, Molly Schuyler, and Juan Morebite. Of equal importance, they discuss the sport, their lives, traditions, superstitions and overall health concerns, explaining how they ended up as contenders in this bizarre subculture.


  • Yes… it’s true… Joey Chestnut broke his own world record, eating 76 franks (in their buns) in just 10 minutes. It was his 14th victory, beating his previous of only 75 franks.
  • Major League Eating (MLE) — the organization that oversees professional eating contests — began paying cash prizes to top finishers in 2007. In 2021, the total prize money is $40,000: The men’s division winners get $20,000, and the women’s division winners get $20,000.

The DVD version features some relish (aka bonus material) including a Filmmaker Commentary along with Deleted Scenes

2021 / 77 minutes / color / English / A film by Joseph Ruzer and Sean Slater.


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