Shaman Healer Sage tells the story of Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. an extraordinary man who transitioned from a career in modern medical science to one that uses a deep knowledge and understanding of the ancient energy medicine of the legendary Inka and Q’ero shamans of South America.
The film is an exploration into the mysteries of life culminating with the deepest mystery of all – death – in which Villoldo shows us how to deal with our own mortality and that of our loved ones.
3 STARS [out of 4] “A complement to the titular bestselling memoir by psychologist and medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo, Shaman, Healer, Sage takes viewers to the South American sources of Villoldo’s formative experiences in shamanic healing. The most interesting material here involves Villoldo’s experiences with mentors, particularly a Peruvian named Antonio, a man with extraordinary energy (at almost 70 years old) who works miracles with individuals at death’s door. Recommended” – Video Librarian
“Western-trained in psychology and medical anthropology, Dr. Villoldo chose early in his career to delve deeply into the study of ancient energy medicine. His research convinced him that aboriginal cultures around the world share healing techniques preserved and transmitted over thousands of years through their “wisdom-keepers,” or shamans.” – EMRO
64 Minutes
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Also available from Alberto Volloldo is AMAZONIA: HEALING WITH SACRED PLANTS –