Three decades after it first shattered audiences worldwide, this is the animated and dramatic classic about an elderly couple – voiced by Academy Award® winners Sir John Mills and Dame Peggy Ashcroft – attempting to survive the aftermath of a nuclear war.
Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami, the film was adapted from Raymond Briggs’s acclaimed graphic novel. It features an original score by Roger Waters with the title song by David Bowie. The location of the fictional story is rural Sussex, England.
When the Wind Blows is a hybrid of traditional and stop-motion animation. The characters of Jim and Hilda Bloggs are hand-drawn, but their home and most of the objects in it are real objects that seldom move but are animated with stop motion when they do.
“While Mick Jackson’s telemovie Threads remains the screen’s most potent account of mass panic on apocalypse day, this British to-the-frame adaptation of Raymond Briggs’ graphic novella is unquestionably the most humane.” – Empire
“One of the most powerful depictions of nuclear Armageddon ever made. The final scenes of When the Wind Blows in particular are enough to test the emotional resilience of even the hardest of hearts.” – BFI
Easter egg: At the very end of the credits, a Morse code signal taps out “MAD”, which stands for “mutual assured destruction”.
Animated Drama / 1986 / 86 minutes / English / A film by Jimmy T. Murakami
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